Volunteer Trustee - Education & Accessibility


The Tank Museum Limited is a registered charity. The Board of Trustees have full responsibility for the sustained achievement of the Charity’s objects, which can be summarised as telling the stories of armoured warfare, the Royal Armoured Corps and the Royal Tank Regiment.

Trustees are collectively responsible for the governance of the Museum. In addition, each trustee will normally have a special area of interest or expertise. The Trustees are the only members of the charity and are also directors of the organisation which is a charitable company limited by guarantee. The board normally meets four times per year to determine strategy, offer advice and scrutinise achievement. Meetings are held in Bovington but can be attended remotely with agreement from the Chair. Some meetings may be carried out wholly remotely depending on circumstances.

The Tank Museum would like to recruit one volunteer trustee to support us in ensuring our formal and informal education offering continues to be a leading example in the sector, helping to drive relevant strategic decisions reflecting current changes and demands. The trustee will lead in helping to develop The Tank Museum’s accessibility programme, a key focus for 2023-2025, together with acting as an advisor to the Head of Visitor Services and Education Officer.

As well as attending board meetings, you would be a member of the Collection Committee, which meets four times per year, online or onsite, to provide oversight of the activities related to the educational programme and strategy of the museum.

All trustees are expected to carry out their duties in overseeing the activities of the charity according to the guidelines of the Charity Commission.

Contract/Hours - Voluntary.  You will be required to attend board meetings (usually in-person) once a quarter and attend the Collection Committee (online or onsite) four times per year. 

Role profile and person specification -